Process Engineering Optimization Services
Delivering Results with Reach your organizations full potential with our expertise.
Numerous years of experience involved in the design, engineering and integration of water & wastewater treatment process systems have contributed to serve as a foundational platform for the GWT/IRYGEN process optimization consulting engineering services tailored to the needs of water utilities and commercial & industrial clients across the Indian subcontinent.
What is the GWT/IRYGEN Process Optimization Engineering Services for Water & Wastewater Treatment Applications?
This innovative engineering consulting service is designed around our water utility & industrial clients to assist them in optimizing the treatment of their current water or wastewater treatment systems to meet continually stringent regulatory requirements, handle emerging contaminants and reduce overall operational costs.
In wastewater treatment applications, we explore and optimize options for integrating wastewater reuse into our clients existing processes to reduce continued reliance on fresh water sources, meet sustainability objectives and reduce costs where the economic benefits are attractive to do so.
This process optimization consulting engineering service will assist you in answering the following questions for your organization:
- Will optimizing my treatment plant operations enhance treated water quality, enable greater treatment capacity or assist my organization in treating emerging contaminants?
- What would the cost look like for integrating these system optimization recommendations?
- How can I reduce my treatment plants overall energy and chemicals costs?
- How can risks associated with my system process be minimized and protection of health ensured?
- What is my current purification/treatment and solids disposal costs?
- How can I optimize my treatment process to be more sustainable?
When should an Indian water utility or industrial company engage IRYGEN for its process optimization engineering services?
Water utilities or industrial companies should engage us for process optimization engineering consulting, in two scenarios:
- Whenever the clients suspect a possible issue, either because their energy costs have increased due to source water quality differences, or their treated water is not meeting applicable regulatory standards.
- Their treatment systems are working fine, however, they want to reduce operating costs, increase treated water output, or enhance treated water quality.
What are the goals?
- Optimize system output
- Meet sustainability goals
- Meet standards and requirements
- Reduce costs
- Safety
What are the client benefits in engaging these services?
- Increase plant output
- Identify ways to minimize system failures
- Reduce operational cost
- Meet stricter regulations
What are the steps involved in the GWT/IRYGEN Process?
1. Introductory Evaluation / Call
Characterization of Water Sources (Water Analysis) & Current Plant Configuration Documents Discussion of Scope of System Optimization Process Proposal Provided for Process Optimization Engineering Service
2. Start of Optimization Consulting Engineering Service
Review/Analysis of Current Plant Performance Data (Input/Output Water Quality, Operation Costs) Analysis/Evaluation of Plant Process Drawings Background/History of Plant, Sustainability/Reliability, Plant Operations, Source Water, Permit Discharge Limits Overview of the Existing Plant Process Itself via Tour (Physical or Virtual), (Viewing Intake, and Existing Treatment Process in Place Currently)
3. Final Assessment of Plant Optimization
Complete Assessment of Existing Plant Operations Evaluation of Cost Savings, Performance/ Treated Water Quality Enhancements Risk Analysis
5. Summary Report of Optimization Recommendations and Suggestions
Evaluation/Meeting to Discuss Treatment Plant Assessment Recommendation of Options for System Optimization Evaluation of Capital Costs and Financing Options for Implementation of Recommendations